Reflective Safety Vests For Roadside Workers


The roadside is a dangerous place to work. Ask any emergency responder or construction worker. Drivers speed by like they don’t even see them. Add in factors of poor lighting, bad weather and distracted drivers and the potential for accidents climbs.

That's why it is important for roadway workers to do everything they can to make sure that drivers see them. Making roadside workers more visible allows drivers time to slow down and take caution.

An excellent way to add to roadside worker safety is with ANSI compliant reflective safety vests. In an effort to improve worker safety, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) has developed a standard to help you choose which type of safety vest is appropriate for the type of work you perform. The standard is based on the type and amount of background material in combination with the amount of reflective material and its location on the vest. ANSI compliant vests are tagged with class numbers to reference. Here’s what to look for on the tag.

ANSI/ISEA 107– There have been previous standards. ANSI/ISEA 107 is the most recent.

A. Class 3 – Class 3 vests give the highest level of visibility for workers performing high-risk work. Use when traffic speeds exceed 50 mph and the worker must put all of their attention on their work. Ideal for utility workers, roadway construction workers, and flagging crews and emergency responders.

B. Class 2 – Class 2 vests are best for workers when traffic is moving at 25 mph or more, in bad weather or when a worker must divert their attention away from traffic. Ideal for crossing guards, airport ground workers and parking lot or toll operators.

C. Class 1 – Class 1 vests are for use when traffic speeds are lower than 25 mph or where workers can focus all their attention on traffic. Ideal for delivery truck drivers, warehouse workers, and shopping cart retrievers.

Chinastars offers ANSI compliant safety vests in all 3 class ratings to ensure that you can keep yourself and your work crews safe from potential accidents.

Reflective Safety Vests For Roadside Workers

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